13 March 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Can a Conversational AI Assistance (AI Chatbots) aid and improve the capture and sharing of knowledge and expertise in the space domain?

13 Mar 2023, 10:40
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)



Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Andrew Herd (ESA)


Novel applications of Chatbot to assist the user to explore their knowledge capture needs, identify the scope of what they know and to then help capture this knowledge do not yet exist. Similarly on the side of learning from others, Chatbot technology has potential to accelerate learning through creating direct access to the knowledge sought by a user. To achieve this, applications developed should make use of a domain specific terminology (as already exist in the space domain), as well as some prior input from space experts. This novel capability is particularly relevant to the space sector, a highly unique and niche arena, where experts are in very high and constant demand (subsequently limiting access to their knowledge). This knowledge scarcity is driving the need for a more rapid knowledge capturing and transfer capability and is highly sought after by both space agencies and industries alike. To this aim research and development activities are being undertaken at European Space Agency, in the area of Lessons Learned, and this work on developing an AI agent, linked to knowledge graph and data mining capabilities has already provided some critical insights in to the development of new capabilities created specifically to meet user’s needs in the space domain

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