13 March 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Unlocking the potential of Q&A over Knowledge Graphs for the Space Safety domain

13 Mar 2023, 11:20
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)



Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands
Short Presentation Session 2 - Earth Observation


Paul Darm (University of Strathclyde)


Knowledge Graphs are an ontologically structured and scalable databases for information storage. They have been widely used in practical applications in various domain, with some successful applications in the space domain for requirement engineering management and space system design. Recent research effort in the Computational Linguistic community, has been dedicated in developing models for Question/Answering that do not work as a black box but that are able to learn about the meaning of a question from the ontology defined in the knowledge graphs, and through a chain of programs, learnt by the model, can traverse the graph and provide an informed answer. These models have been demonstrated on a Q&A system for the space safety domain. The natural language query interface can provide answers from the knowledge stored in DISCOS (Database and Information System Characterising Objects in Space). DISCOS is a SQL database created and continuously maintained by the Space Debris Office in ESA. It contains information regarding launches, re-entry events and objects registration details, for more than 40,000 trackable objects. This project is part of an ongoing wider ESA ITT activity, led by VisionSpace and supported by the University of Strathclyde and the University of Edinburgh, by the title "Intelligent Operations and preventative maintenance Assistant (IOA)" aiming at developing a semantic search engine for mission operation and space safety engineers.

Primary authors

Annalisa Riccardi (Strathclyde University) Paul Darm (University of Strathclyde) Dr Shay Choen (University of Edinburgh) Dr Miceli Barone Antonio Valerio (University of Edinburgh) Mr Paulo Leitao (Vision Space) Dr Ntagiou Evridiki (ESA)

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