13 March 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EarthPress: AI platform for real time breaking news detection including Earth Observation images

13 Mar 2023, 11:40
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)



Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands
Short Presentation Session 2 - Earth Observation


Maria Tsourma (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)


Copernicus data are becoming tremendous in volume & quality. Copernicus services are focusing on professional services, like the Emergency Management Service whose aim is to provide information on major events to the rescue and security forces. In order to raise awareness of the Copernicus services to the EU citizens, there is a need to provide added value data to the Media Industry, rendering them to major demonstrators of the success of Copernicus to the citizens.

In the field of journalism, the collection and processing of information from different heterogeneous sources are difficult and time-consuming processes. In the context of the theory of journalism 3.0, where multimedia data can be extracted from different sources on the web, the possibility of creating a tool for the better exploitation of Earth Observation (EO) data and especially images by professionals belonging to the field of journalism is explored. With the production of massive volumes of EO image data, the problem of their exploitation and dissemination to the public and specifically by professionals in media industry arises. In particular, the exploitation of satellite image data from existing tools is difficult for professionals who are not familiar with image processing. In this scope, a new innovative platform that automates some of the journalistic practices, called EarthPress will be presented. This platform includes several Natural Language Processing (NLP) mechanisms allowing users to early detect and receive information about breaking news occured worldwide in real-time, retrieve EO images upon request for a certain event, analyse the EO images using image processing methods in order to extract valuable data, and generate automatically a personalized article according to the writing style of the author. Through this platform, the journalists or editors can also make any modifications in the generated article before publishing.

The EarthPress platform is directly related with the workshop, as both are related to the utilization and accessibility of EO information, the dissemination of EO data as well as the implementation of NPL tools for these data analysis.

Primary authors

Maria Tsourma (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas) Dr Anastasios Drosou (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas) Mr Alexandros Zamichos (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)

Presentation materials