2–6 Oct 2023
ANTIPOLIS - Palais des Congrès d'Antibes
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Error Rate Estimation of DDR4-SDRAM Buffers in Space Mass Memories

4 Oct 2023, 14:00
Espace Gould

Espace Gould

Poster Use of COTS in OBC / OBDP and Signal Processing Systems Poster Session


Timo Dirkes (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Christian Spindeldreier (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Kai Gruermann (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Jochen Rust (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH)Dr Vanessa Wyrwoll (University of Oldenburg)

Primary authors

Timo Dirkes (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Christian Spindeldreier (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Kai Gruermann (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Jochen Rust (DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH) Dr Vanessa Wyrwoll (University of Oldenburg) Prof. Björn Poppe (University of Oldenburg)

Presentation materials

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