13–14 May 2014
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Cross-calibration of ESA SREM and NOAA GOES solar proton fluxes with NASA IMP8/GME measurements

13 May 2014, 14:05
Newton (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands


Dr Ingmar Sandberg (Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications, Athens, Greece)


Results of cross-calibration studies of ESA SREM and NOAA GOES proton radiation monitors are presented. The studies use as reference dataset recently corrected measurements of IMP8/GME and are based on the development of novel techniques for the cross-calibration of GOES/EPS detectors and the deconvolution of SREM proton fluxes.

Primary author

Dr Ingmar Sandberg (Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications, Athens, Greece)


Hugh Evans (ESA/TEC-EES) Prof. Ioannis Daglis (University of Athens) Mr Petteri Nieminen (ESA) Dr Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)

Presentation materials