Space Radiation and Plasma Monitoring Workshop 2014

Newton (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
Alessandra Menicucci (ESA/ESTEC), Petteri Nieminen (ESA)

The workshop 
on "Space Radiation and Plasma Environment
Monitoring Workshop" is the fifth of a series of workshops proposed under the auspices of the Space Environments and Effects Network of Technical Competences established to
further cooperation in Europe.
As for other 2 previous events held in 2007 and 2012, the purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the current research and developments in the area of space radiation and plasma monitoring.

The number of flying or ready to fly European radiation and plasma instruments has increased significantly since the last SEENoTC workshop on the subject in 2012.
Research programmes 
have also made good progresses in investigating innovative technologies and new concepts designs which will allow a substantial reduction of mass, power and data rate budgets compared to traditional instrumentation, whilst providing equivalent or higher detection efficiency.  With many future missions in Navigation, Telecommunications, Exploration, Science, Copernicus domains flying in severe radiation environments and carrying highly sensitive
components and systems, the need for such radiation instrumentation is increasing. Accurate measurements of the plasma and radiation in space plays also a crucial role in improving the currently available environment models and the development of the space weather services required by the Space Situational Awareness programme.
For information please write to Alessandra Menicucci
  • Alessandra Menicucci
  • Alessandro Bruno
  • Alexi Glover
  • Ali Zadeh
  • Ann Delahaye
  • Arlindo Marques
  • Athina Varotsou
  • Behcet Alpat
  • Brian Shortt
  • carlos Granja
  • Carlos Perkins
  • Carsten Baur
  • Craig Underwood
  • Cyril Mangenot
  • Daniel Heynderickx
  • David Rodgers
  • Davide Grandi
  • Denis PAYAN
  • Domenico Giunta
  • Eamonn Daly
  • Ed Kuijpers
  • Fan Lei
  • Frank Preud'homme
  • Giovanni Santin
  • Guenther Reitz
  • Hugh Evans
  • Ingmar Sandberg
  • Laura Marcelli
  • Livio Narici
  • Luisa Arruda
  • Marco Ricci
  • Mark Millinger
  • Martina Giraudo
  • Massimo Gervasi
  • Mathias Cyamukungu
  • Matteo Maria Angarano
  • Mauro Tacconi
  • Patrícia Gonçalves
  • Pete Truscott
  • Petteri Nieminen
  • Philip Pahlsson
  • Pier Giorgio Rancoita
  • Piergiorgio Picozza
  • Piers Jiggens
  • renaud mangeret
  • Reto Muff
  • Salvatore Danzeca
  • Sreehimabindu Velagapudi
  • Stanislav Pospisil
  • Wojtek Hajdas
  • Yulia Bogdanova
    • Introduction, background and motivation
      • 1
        Speaker: Dr Alessandra Menicucci (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 2
        Flight Opportunities and SSA
        Speaker: Dr Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 3
        Lessons learned from radiation monitors
        Speaker: Hugh Evans (ESA/TEC-EES)
    • Radiation Monitoring Data Processing and Cross-Calibration
      • 4
        Cross-calibration of ESA SREM and NOAA GOES solar proton fluxes with NASA IMP8/GME measurements
        Results of cross-calibration studies of ESA SREM and NOAA GOES proton radiation monitors are presented. The studies use as reference dataset recently corrected measurements of IMP8/GME and are based on the development of novel techniques for the cross-calibration of GOES/EPS detectors and the deconvolution of SREM proton fluxes.
        Speaker: Dr Ingmar Sandberg (Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications, Athens, Greece)
      • 5
        Calibration of Electron, Proton and Heavy-Ion Radiation Environment Data from Giove-A and Comparisons to Giove-B
        In preparation for the Galileo global navigation satellite system, the European Space Agency (ESA) commissioned two test-bed spacecraft: Giove-A, launched on 28th December 2005, and Giove-B, launched on 26th April 2008. Both spacecraft were instrumented to measure the ionising radiation environment in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) at around 23,260 km altitude, 56o inclination. This paper reports on the results obtained from the CEDEX and MERLIN payloads on Giove-A, and methods used to provide a calibration of their data in terms of spectral fits. Comparisons are made with standard models and with the results from the SREM instrument, carried on Giove-B. The effects of cross-contamination between electron and proton data are discussed, together with the approaches taken to minimise the impact of this on modelling the environment. In general, good agreement is achieved between the different instrumental results. The ultimate aim is to be able to incorporate these calibrated flight data into standard environment model and effects tools.
        Speaker: Prof. Craig Underwood (University of Surrey - Surrey Space Centre)
      • 6
        The Electron Slot Region Radiation Environment Model
        The electron Slot Region Radiation Environment Model (e-SRREM) is presented. e-SRREM is a data-based statistical model which has been built on fifteen years of electron flux measurements. The model describes the trapped electron radiation in a region that includes the slot region between the inner and the outer electron radiation belts and provides energetic electron fluxes with their uncertainties determined by confidence levels for user-defined mission orbit and duration. After the completion of a series of validation studies, the e-SRREM model will be hosted on ESA’s Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS).
        Speaker: Dr Ingmar Sandberg (National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
    • 15:20
      Coffee break
    • Radiation Monitoring Data Exploitation
      • 7
        Energetic particle telescope data exploitation
        The Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT) is a high-fidelity radiation instrument intended for uncontaminated measurement of spectra of electrons (0.5-10 MeV), protons (9-300 MeV) and alpha particles (38-1200 MeV), with an additional channel for qualitative measurement of higher-Z ions. The first EPT unit was launched to a sun-synchronous Low Earth Orbit of 820 km altitude and 98.7° inclination on the Proba-V spacecraft on 7 May 2013. Following the successful commissioning phase, the EPT is currently used for various data exploitation activities under an ESA PRODEX project. This presentation summaries the EPT instrument concept and main characteristics, together with a description of the ongoing data processing and analysis efforts.
        Speaker: Mr Petteri Nieminen (ESA)
      • 8
        Compact payload SATRAM on-board Proba-V satellite for radiation monitoring in open space with quantum and directional sensitivity based on the pixel detector Timepix
        The compact light weight SATRAM payload is operating onboard ESA’s Proba-V satellite in low Earth orbit since 7th May 2013. Equipped with the Timepix chip the device can determine the composition and spectral characteristics of ionizing radiation (X-ray, light and heavy charged particles) in the satellite environment. Single quantum counting capability and per-pixel energy sensitivity enable quantum-level detection, high resolution tracking, LET sensitivity and directional visualization of energetic charged particles over a wide dynamic range of particle fluxes, energies and wide field of view. A description of the payload is presented together with preliminary data results such as spatial and time correlated maps of dose rate along the satellite orbit.
        Speaker: Dr Carlos Granja (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague)
      • 9
        Solar energetic particles measured by PAMELA
        We report an analysis of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events registered by the PAMELA satellite experiment, based on the reconstruction of particle trajectories in the geomagnetic field using realistic models of the Earth's magnetosphere. PAMELA measurements (> 70 MeV) span an energy interval inclusive of the gap region between high energy data from ground-based detectors and low energy observations from spacecrafts. The trajectory tracing approach is applied to the study of SEPs exploiting for the first time direct measurements, providing detailed information about SEP shape and morphology.
        Speaker: Dr Alessandro Bruno (INFN, Bari, Italy)
      • 10
        Alphasat TDP-8 MFS Particle Spectrometer Data Analysis: Towards a MFS Geant4 simulation of the flight model and flight data analysis
        The Multi-Functional Spectrometer (MFS) is a radiation monitor that together with the CTTB (Component Technology Test Bed) make the EEF-TDP8 (ESA Alphasat Environment and Effect Facility - Technology Demonstration Payload 8). The two units are installed on the X panel of the Alphasat Satellite which was successfully launched on July 2013 and is now in geostationary orbit. MFS was submitted to proton and electron beam test at PSI in 2010. The main purpose was to test and calibrate the equipment together with estimation of particle energy resolution and identification capability. These beam ground test data will be reviewed including test data from the flight model acceptance calibration. A Geant4 simulation of the MFS protoflight model is being developed and it is being used to validate the results from ground calibration and tests. Preliminary results of this analysis will be shown.
        Speaker: Mrs Luisa Arruda (LIP)
    • 17:30
      End of first day
  • Wednesday 14 May
    • Plasma and Radiation Monitors Developments 1
      • 11
        AMBER: A 0-30kev Plasma Monitor for Spacecraft charging evaluation
        Electrostatic discharges (ESD) are a major risk of failures in orbit. From temporary outage to power loss with secondary arcing, the panel of possible degradation is very wide. The tribute already paid by the agencies, insurance or operator is very high and expressed in millions euros. Coming from the sun, particles hit all the spacecraft on every orbit, building up very negative absolute potential. Then difference in materials, temperature, lightening allows to create voltage gradient at the origin of ESD. Unfortunately, the number of spacecraft with particles measurements onboard is very low and most of time, it is for scientific applications. Thus Satellites undergo charging incoming fluxes from the sun after their trip along earth magnetic field lines, increasing their energy without any precise idea of the real effect on the spacecraft itself. Thus every spacecraft should have onboard that kind of sensor. At the exact time of an anomaly, we would perfectly know the absolute voltage of the spacecraft and the full history of the particles received, making failures analyse possible and precise. As positive particles are accelerated by the negative voltage of the spacecraft body, the positive spectrum measured gives also the absolute voltage. On the opposite side, the negative head gives us the incoming charging fluxes. Today for failure analyse, spectrums are extrapolated (computed some times) from higher energy measurements (when they are available), generally on other orbit position and other altitude. In other words, attribute a failure to an ESD on a specific spacecraft cannot be made with a good reliability. In addition, most of environment data available on the web are distributed by NOAA or LANL, the energy range started at 40kev which is already too high for surface charging concern. Unfortunately those low energy spectrums are no more available (since 2008, the first of January) due to ITAR restriction. This lack of data may be the premise of what awaits us more broadly. Though following each solar eruption remains very important even in the very beginning of the spacecraft life for the launch. Making those results available would also interest the whole scientific community. As the measurements are not available or very rare, we need to provide ours. For example, the simulation of the dynamic of the magnetosphere, especially at low energy needs a great number of measurement points at different position and orbit. The starting one could be on JASON3. And finally at project level, it would also allow us to know if the design rules imposed for EMC/ESD reasons are valuable and mandatory or could be relaxed. Based on dozens of years of experience of IRAP (Institut de Recherche en Astronomie et Planétologie) with Giotto, Interball, Cluster or Stereo, the specific head of CARMEN is dedicated to low energy plasma measurement between 0 and 30keV. Its principle is a mass spectrometer where a biasing voltage is sweeped between two hemispheres. Particles engulfed in it and are thus counted and specific electronic provide data to CARMEN. Impact on the JASON3 spacecraft is minimised due to the principle of CARMEN hydra. Screwed on a wall outside from the spacecraft only one harness is connected to Carmen and there is no electrical connection to the spacecraft. As visibility is possible from every side, implementation area is large and constraint very low. Mechanical interaction is resumed to 4 screws and thermal regulation is fully passive.
        Speaker: Mr Denis Payan (CNES)
      • 12
        The hot plasma environment monitor (HOPE-M) for telecoms satellites
        Space weather effects play an important role in geostationary orbit as the orbit falls within the magnetosphere bordering the outer radiation belts and the environment is strongly affected by changes originating on the Sun and associated geomagnetic activity. This is an important application orbit with a large number of telecoms satellites and monitoring the local space environment is important both for the health of host spacecraft as well as providing valuable inputs for space weather. Due to the nature of the magnetospheric dynamics in this orbit, the plasma environment in particular is highly variable and plays an important role, with the dominant impact being on spacecraft charging. The hot plasma environment monitor (HOPE-M) is a miniaturised analyser being developed under ESA contract. HOPE-M is designed to monitor the plasma environment and provide key inputs to include a measure of the spacecraft potential and bulk plasma properties, i.e., number density, temperature and if resources permit, the bulk velocity and heat flux. The objective of this activity is to breadboard a number of key technologies required for the development of HOPE-M focusing in particular on critical elements of a miniaturised analyser which will perform electron and ion spectrometry in the range 30eV-30 keV. The activity will result in the production of a breadboard with a flexible design capable of providing both environment monitoring functions as wells as enhanced scientific performance. The electrostatic analyser is based on the Charged Particle Spectrometer (ChaPS) built for the UK’s TechDemoSat mission and is designed to make simultaneous measurements of the energy distribution functions of electrons and ions. This paper will present instrument requirements for a hot plasma monitor, present details and status of HOPE-M and some results from the ChaPS instrument due to be launched in June 2014.
        Speaker: Mr Dhiren Kataria (University College London)
      • 13
        The Next Generation Radiation Monitor (NGRM)
        Precise monitoring of the highly dynamic space radiation environment around Earth is crucial for spacecraft safety, as well as support of radiation belt and solar particle flux models. The ESA sponsored SREM is measuring the Earth's radiation belts, solar particle flux and cosmic ray background since more than one decade onboard six different spacecrafts. Recently, the development of the successor of SREM, the Next Generation Radiation Monitor (NGRM), has started within a European consortium led by RUAG Space, together with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), ONERA, EREMS and IDEAS. NGRM will measure protons from 2 MeV up to 200 MeV, electrons from 100 keV up to 7MeV, as well as LET spectrum of ions. Compared to SREM, NGRM will provide a much better energy resolution, while being smaller, lighter and consuming less power. During this presentation, the status of the NGRM development will be presented.
        Speaker: Mr Reto Muff (RUAG Space)
      • 14
        Highly Miniaturised radiation Monitor
        The availability of good quality housekeeping data on the ionizing radiation environment in and around spacecraft systems is recognised as highly desirable for the efficient design and operation of spacecraft. Yet the engineering and economic costs of integrating such sensors into flight systems are a serious barrier to their widespread adoption. The Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor has been developed by the Science and Technology Facilities Council and Imperial College London within the framework of a European Space Agency technology development contract. HMRM integrates the majority of the functional elements of the monitor into a sensor ASIC. This greatly reduces the mass, volume and power requirements of the hardware. The overall status of the Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor programme will be presented together with perspectives for its space qualification and availability to users.
        Speaker: Ms SEV GUNES-LASNET (STFC)
      • 15
        ASIC Development for Space Radiation Monitors at IDEAS
        IDEAS develops integrated circuits for radiation detection and imaging applications. The company is currently working in collaboration with ESA and other customers on various ASICs for space radiation monitors. The presentation will describe the ASIC development at IDEAS and summarize the specifications and validation results for ASICs suitable for space radiation monitors.
        Speaker: Philip Pahlsson (IDEAS)
    • 11:00
      Coffee break
    • Radiation Monitors Developments 2
      • 16
        The Jovian Radiation Monitor
        Speaker: Dr Alessandra Menicucci (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 17
        EFACEC Space Radiation Monitors – MFS, BERM & RADEM
        Radiation monitors are a crucial instrument in every space mission, since they can provide vital information for all the spacecraft instruments safety, with respect to radiation flux, energies and doses. EFACEC radiation monitors were built taken into consideration the ability to discriminate particles and energies, improving counting rate and withstand orbits e.g. GEO and interplanetary space. The physical concept and instrument performances were simulated in GEANT4 and calibrated under electron, proton radiation beams in several particle accelerators: PSI (Switzerland), KVI (Netherlands), UCL (Louvain-La-Neuve), in order to study and refine design parameters to obtain the instrument maximum science return and performances. MCNPX displacement damage simulations were performed to assess Mercury solar particles impact and secondaries. Results allow instrument particle fluence improvement seen around the Solar system innermost planet. EFACEC’s radiation monitors architecture is based on silicon detectors, with aluminium and tantalum absorbers, measuring the deposited energy as the particles travel along the stack. Particle reconstruction, type and energy, are processed in “real time” just after the particle ended its path along the stack, by energy cut method through parameterised LUT, updatable in flight. Default LUT of the instrument was defined based on the radiation test data correlated with GEANT4 simulations, for the different ranges and particles type. Design also includes a Radfet for TID measurement up to 50kRad. Two different test modes were integrated into the instruments to allow in flight calibration and LUT tune. One test mode is dedicated to validate the integrity of the digital part of the instrument with respect to the recognition process through pre-defined and known signatures and the other is optimized to verify the analogue chain of the system by use of known stimulus and determination of system drifts, if existing. MFS architecture allows a particle and energy discrimination between protons (1 – 120MeV in 10 bins), electrons (0.45 – 7MeV in 7 bins), alphas (5 – 400MeV in 10 bins), nuclear species (1 – 50MeV/mg/cm2 LET in 10 bins) and a counting rate of 1e7 #/cm2/s. It provides histograms and housekeeping data with a temporal resolution from 1miute to 32minutes, programmable by TC. MFS has an envelope of 257.3x120.0x108.0mm3, mass of 2.914kg, power consumption of 5W (average) and less than 50bps link budget. MFS is on-board of Alphasat satellite and starts its operation in the last trimester of 2013. First results of MFS shows a shape consistent with expected results and processing data and calibration review have started. BERM is a direct evolution of the MFS for Bepicolombo mission with improved characteristics and direct connection to the spacecraft host computer, while MFS was connected to CTTB getting from it power and commands. BERM allows a particle and energy discrimination between protons (1 – 200MeV in 8 bins), electrons (0.3 – 10MeV in 5 bins), nuclear species (1 – 50MeV/mg/cm2 LET in 5 bins) and a counting rate of 1e7 #/cm2/s. It provides histograms and housekeeping data with a temporal resolution of 30s. BERM has an envelope of 174.8x120.0x107.0mm3, mass of 2.143kg, power consumption of 5W (average) and less than 50bps link budget. Communications with the host computer uses MIL-STD-1553, for housekeeping and science packets. BERM is currently finishing its environmental qualification tests and shall be integrated into the Bepicolombo MPO during May of 2014. Preliminary radiation calibration test was performed at PSI and results are in line with expected performance and MFS results. EFACEC radiation monitors can fly in missions from near Earth orbit to the vicinity of Mercury. Future missions in between those extreme environments could be also addressed as around Venus planet. EFACEC radiation monitors are evolving and it is expected to have better performance, lighter, less power and outer solar system environments, in the near future. With this aim, RADEM is now starting with a goal of being a 1L, 1kg, 2.2W instrument. RADEM will include three detector heads, one for Protons and Heavy Ions, another for Electrons and a third one for electrons directionality. System goals are foreseen to be achieved by means of a new improved custom ASIC, evolved from the developed radiation monitors. While MFS and BERM used FPGA’s for operations control, RADEM will be based on a microcontroller. Software will update as required a configurable anti-coincidence logic embedded in the front-end ASICs; test modes with availability of its RAW data are foreseen in very specific operating modes. Space-wire will be used to communicate with the JUICE spacecraft host computer.
        Speaker: Mr Arlindo Marques (EFACEC)
      • 18
        The « High-Fidelity 3D Energetic Electron Spectrometer » (3DEES) concept
        The development of the « High-Fidelity 3D Energetic Electron Spectrometer » (3DEES) was motivated by the need to measure energy spectra and angular distributions of space environment electrons in the 0.1 – 10 MeV energy range and up to 18 angle channels. Beside possible use of such measurements to validate engineering models of electron fluxes in (inter)planetary environments, the targeted data are important inputs to physical models of electron dynamics wherein particles of given energy and momentum vector are injected from boundary positions and tracked down/up to other positions, where they can be detected as energized/decelerated particles with modified angular distribution. The most challenging tasks performed during Phase A/B of the 3DEES development aimed at keeping the instrument compact in spite of its requirements for detection of high energy electrons and high number of boresights. The solutions devised to comply with these requirements and to increase the overall performances of the 3DEES will be presented. The 3DEES development was undertaken in April 2012 and is carried-out by a consortium comprised of the Center for Space Radiation at UCL, the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy and QinetiQ Space.
        Speaker: Dr Mathias Cyamukungu (UCL/CSR)
      • 19
        A Multipurpose Mini Space Particle Telescope (MINI-SPT) with high accuracy energy , time of flight and tracking measurement capabilities
        The goal is to design, manufacture and fully qualify an innovative, rad-hard, fast, compact, low power, weight and cost,reliable mini Space Particle Telescope, with advanced particle tracking capabilities as well as energy measurement, and compatible with small platform requirements, in particular with the 3U CubeSat standard specification. The Mini-SPT will provide direct and precise measurement of the space charged particles energy by means of a crystal calorimeter, time-of flight determination with up/down separation using scintillator technologies, and seven dE/dX sampling and particle directional tracking through a telescope arrangement of advanced silicon pixel detectors. The information provided by Mini- SPT will be of importance to validate the current radiation environment models, particularly for harsh space weather locations as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), better understand the effects of highly dynamic events such as the Solar Particle Events (SPEs) and improve our knowledge of the Van Allen’s belts dynamic and their correlation with the solar activity. In addition, the Mini-SPT compact silicon-pixel detector will provide real-time warning on space weather conditions to mission control centers, allowing the activation of mitigation techniques for payloads and critical subsystems on hosting platforms. The project will provide a benchmark to evaluate the use, for first time in space, of Silicon Photo Multipliers (SIPMs) which are rapidly replacing the classical vacuum photomultipliers due to their low cost, weight, power and their insensitivity to magnetic fields.The SIPMs technology will be utilized for two major measurement techniques of Mini-SPT, calorimetry and time-of-flight, two essential physical quantities for most of the astroparticle physics experiments. Moreover, the real-time protection thru information arriving from Si-pixel detectors of two SEL-free SRAMs will provide valuable information on the validity of in-situ protection techniques.
        Speaker: Dr Behcet Alpat (INFN Sezione di Perugia)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • Results from Cosmic Rays Experiments
      • 20
        ALTEA: results and perspectives
        Mitigation of the risks due to radiation exposure is a most important issue for the future space voyages needed for human space exploration. Studies aimed at the detailed understanding of the radiation effects on humans are showing a panorama of risks strongly dependent on several specific characteristic of the radiation. As an example high Linear Energy Transfer (LET) charged radiation have been shown to produce cellular/molecular damages leading to a higher risk determination than the same dose of low LET radiation. Detailed measurements of the radiation environment in the International Space Station serve as risk monitoring for the crew but, most important, as basis for model validation. ISS radiation environment is indeed the closest available replica of the deep space environment in a spacecraft (especially at the high latitude passages). The ALTEA detector system started operations in 2006 in the ISS. It features six silicon particle telescopes, each one composed by six planes striped either along the short side of the plane or along the long side (X and Y directions). Each detector is able to reconstruct the trajectory of the impinging ions. Under certain circumstances the charge and the kinetic energy of the ion can be calculated. In sum the ALTEA system can measure in 3D the radiation environment and perform nuclear identification. The detector is able to measure LET (in silicon) from 3 to 800 keV/µm, so it is marginally sensitive to protons and Helium, and fully sensitive to higher Z ions up to relativistic Molybdenum. An update of ALTEA has been recently selected by ASI and consists in a new detector to be coupled to the existing ones. The prototype of this detector has been developed for a previous national project and uses scintillators and Silicon Photomultipliers and is able to perform Time of Flight measurements. This upgrade will complete the charge range sensitivity of ALTEA (1≤Z≤42) and provide improvements in the Z discrimination ability via independent measurements of kinetic energy. The new combined detector will be a perfect benchmark for new management software and analysis risk – algorithms to be used in a future miniaturized portable (personal) system. In this paper we present latest analyses from ALTEA measurements and we discuss the possible future perspectives.
        Speaker: Livio Narici (INFN Tor Vergata & Department of Physics University of Rome Tor Vergata)
      • 21
        Geomagnetically trapped and albedo protons measured by PAMELA
        We present a new measurement of the high energy (> 70 MeV) geomagnetically trapped and albedo proton fluxes, performed by the PAMELA satellite experiment at low Earth orbits. Trajectories of all selected particles were reconstructed in the geomagnetic field with back-tracing techniques based on a realistic description of the magnetosphere, and analyzed in the framework of the adiabatic theory. Results include detailed information about energy spectra, spatial and angular distributions, and they were provided by using several coordinate systems. PAMELA data were compared with other spacecraft measurements and with predictions of recent theoretical models.
        Speaker: Dr Alessandro Bruno (Università degli Studi di Bari)
      • 22
        Cosmic Rays backtracing in the Earth Magnetic field: the importance for AMS-02 of External Models during the last solar period data taking (from 2011 to 2013)
        We developed a code for Cosmic Rays trajectory reconstruction in the Earth Magnetosphere, this has been developed with last models of Internal (IGRF-11) and External (Tsyganenko 1996 and 2005) field components. The backtracing technique was used to separate Primary Cosmic Rays Particles, in case of allowed trajectory, from Secondary particles, in case of forbidden trajectory. The accuracy of trajectory reconstruction is strictly bound to magnetic field models precision. So we compared our model calculations with and without the external field model with satellite data in past periods, in particular GOES (1998) and CLUSTER (2004) data. For both periods T05 reproduces the magnetc field components with good accuracy. We used our model also with data taken by CLUSTER during the last solar active period (from 2011 to 2013) and we could test the agreement using the External field T05, specifically designed for solar storms. The fractions of primaries, secondaries and trapped partcles were found to depend on the employed models, i.e., during quiet and disturbed period, for instance during a flare.
        Speaker: Dr Davide Grandi (INFN - Milano Bicocca)
    • 15:15
      Coffee break
    • Discussion and conclusion