Opening day
Submission deadline
You are kindly invited to submit a short description of the talk you wish to give during the clean space industry days.
Please start by selecting the topic related to your presentation.
Note that the description of your talk will be published on the event's website if your abstract is selected.
The conference will highlight all disciplines related to clean space, including:
Ecodesign for space
• applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to space activities
• Developing the LCA database for space
• Designing innovative solutions to decrease the environmental impacts of space activities
• ecodesigning space missions
• coping with, complying with or stay one step ahead of European environmental legislations?
End-of-life management
• technologies for Design for demise
• technologies for Design for Removal
• technologies for Passivation
• technologies for Deorbiting
New topic!: collision risk management
In-Orbit Servicing
• Technology Developments for rendezvous (sensors and controllers)
• Technology Developments for capture (strategies and technologies)
• Mission Implementation: Active Debris Removal, In-Orbit Servicing
• IOD Missions (e.g. IOD’s to demonstrate rendezvous or inspection)
• providing a framework for sustainable close proximity operations through guidelines
• preparing in-orbit servicing missions
• Circular economy in space including in-orbit assembly, manufacturing and recycling