A comprehensive overview of Thales Alenia Space's (TAS) initiatives in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and EcoDesign for large space missions is provided. Large space missions present unique challenges and opportunities in terms of environmental impact and sustainability assessment, due to their complexity in terms of Product Tree and Organization Breakdown structure as well as largeness of the associated supply chains and the elaborate nature of the MAIT campaign. TAS has been actively involved as Prime Contractor in various projects spanning different development phases, from A/B1 to B2/C and C, thus this paper delves into the specifics of each project, highlighting the commonalities of the implemented approach at TAS to run LCA, but also identifying the methodology adaptation with respect to different development phases, driven by dissimilar levels of information as input to LCA Model generation.
The general approach at TAS to lead LCA adheres to applicable requirements and guidelines from the European Space Agency (ESA), first of all tailoring the handbook ESSB-HB-U-005 “Space system Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) guidelines” with respect to the peculiarities of each Large Mission as well as the phase in which the LCA study is conducted. Subsequently, the TAS methodology to LCA involves the development of a proprietary Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Data Collection Questionnaire, aimed at a comprehensive Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data collection carried out through workshops with subcontractors and internal stakeholders within the company; the process also employs the HSE TAS-I Tools and Databases to assess energy and water consumption throughout the entire product life cycle. TAS Steering LCA consultants and prioritizing Equipment datasets based on cost and mass criteria are crucial steps in the applied LCA methodology, and the paper provides insights into these processes. Furthermore, practical examples of LCA outcomes are presented to illustrate the impact of these assessments on large space missions.
LCA is one of the steps of the EcoDesign approach to give levers for the engineering work when the design is enough mature; nevertheless, EcoDesign is a fundamental aspect to address the design of TAS's product lines and projects, even at early stages: it encompasses the use of Thales simplified tools for carbon footprint and Ecodesign orientation (CLOE Matrix, PETER tool), as well as consolidated Company’s process to address the environmental impact reduction of new developments; a brief overview of these additional supports is also provided.
The paper concludes with lessons learned from TAS's LCA and EcoDesign endeavors and outlines future optimization activities, in line with TAS's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, to drive innovation and improvements in LCA and EcoDesign practices as Large Space System Integrator.
This paper serves as a valuable resource for space industry professionals, environmentalists, and researchers interested in the intersection of space technology and sustainability.