16–19 Oct 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

EROSS IOD - Mission Progress Status

17 Oct 2023, 16:00


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands


Pierre Dandré


EROSS IOD (European Robotic Orbital Support Services - In Orbit Demonstration) is an EU-funded project within the Horizon Europe programme, aiming at demonstrating in orbit the European solutions for the Servicers and the Serviced LEO/GEO satellites, enabling a large range of efficient and safe orbital support services. EROSS IOD will showcase a mission design that will provide both life extension and life enhancement to future space systems, therefore answering both short-term customer needs and anticipating future new business perspectives.
The IOD phase of the EROSS project is the fourth part of the R&D partnership developed with the support of the European Commission. So far, the project allowed to increase the Technology Readiness Level of several key building blocks, in particular autonomous rendezvous and robotics.
The demonstration mission concept includes the complete orbital rendezvous phase of a Servicer satellite with a collaborative Client satellite prepared for On-Orbit Servicing that shall be followed by the capture and then servicing operations. The whole idea is to validate the capability of carrying out in-orbit operations of this type for future missions.
The project started in January 2023 after the SRR. It will last 27 months up to the CDR, with the in-orbit demonstration targeted by 2026.. The proposed presentation aims at giving a status on the progress of this development, 4 months ahead of the PDR.

Primary author

Stéphanie BEHAR-LAFENETRE (Thales Alenia Space)

Presentation materials