16–19 Oct 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Extending Ground Segment Products for supporting a large range of In-Orbit Services

18 Oct 2023, 12:30


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands


Marc Niezette (Telespazio Germany GmbH)


With the support of ESA and National administrations, Europe is developing its capability to deploy and operate infrastructure covering a large range of in-orbit services, from deorbiting and satellite life extension solutions to the in-orbit replacement of damaged subsystems. As one of the leading operations and ground segment providers in Europe, Telespazio are extending their ground infrastructure and operations capabilities with partners with the objective to provide support to a large portfolio of in-orbit services. This covers essentially the development of tools and expertise for close proximity operations as well as robotics control. Artificial intelligence for automation and autonomous operations on-board and on-ground is a major technology that is integrated with first priority in the Telespazio infrastructure. AI techniques will span from Statistical Learning, Timeseries regression and Random Forest classifiers to predict and recommend automated operational procedures, to physics informed neural network to realize a digital twin of space assets and provide a prediction of in orbit service maneuverers.
The presentation will described the infrastructure that will be available at Telespazio for supporting In-Orbit Servicing missions and the future plans of Telespazio to increase their involvement in this domain.

Primary author

Marc Niezette (Telespazio Germany GmbH)


Mr Luca Petronzio (Telespazio)

Presentation materials