Scientific Programme

Welcome to the RADLAS Workshop, a dedicated forum exploring laser-based methodologies used to aid the radiation sensitivity assessment of electronic components and systems. This event serves as a specialized platform to delve into the forefront of advancements in Single Event Effects (SEE) testing through laser methodologies. Our workshop is meticulously structured, with each day strategically organized to delve into pivotal aspects of SEE testing with lasers. The primary objective is to not only deepen our comprehension but also to fortify the assessment strategies for electronic components through collaborative insights and discussions.

  • Comparison between Laser and Heavy Ions

    Analyze and compare the effectiveness of laser testing in inducing Single Event Effects with traditional heavy ions. Explore the advantages, limitations, and specific use cases for SEE testing using laser techniques.

  • Recent Laser test results

    Present recent experimental findings and case studies related to SEE testing using laser methods. Discuss the implications of these results on the understanding and mitigation of Single Event Effects in electronic components.

  • Test Methodology for SEE Laser Testing

    Propose a test methodology for conducting SEE testing with lasers. Share experiences to ensure accurate and reproducible results in assessing Single Event Effects.

  • Poster Session