Dale Thomas
(NASA/MSFC Associate Director Technical)
27/05/2014, 09:00
Abdulnasser F. Barghouty
27/05/2014, 09:15
Masanobu Ozaki
27/05/2014, 10:05
JAXA and other Japanese space activity around Geant4 will be reported.
Keith Hefner
(NASA Space Launch System Program Office - Associate Program Manager)
27/05/2014, 11:00
Petteri Nieminen
27/05/2014, 11:30
John Watts
27/05/2014, 14:00
A Geant4 simulation of the Advanced Neutron Spectrometer (ANS) will be described. ANS uses a volume of vinyltoluene scintillator with embedded scintillating glass fibers composed of 20% Li2O-15% MgO-64.4%SiO2-0.6%Ce2O3 with the lithium being 95% Li-6. Neutrons would be captured in the glass which has different scintillation characteristics in terms of spectral output and timing from...
Mohammad Sabra
27/05/2014, 14:25
The Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) is a new type of observatory that uses Earth’s atmosphere to detect the Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECRs), those with energies in excess of 1018 eV. Studies of the nature of EECRs provide us with some information about the origin, acceleration and propagation of the primary cosmic rays. Such studies are based on the interpretation of the extensive...
3D TCAD and Mixed-Mode Simulation of Devices and ICs with Complex Nuclear Events from MRED/Geant4
Alex Fedoseyev
27/05/2014, 16:00
Resolution of fine features is paramount for correctly describing the physics of device response to nuclear event. TCAD and circuit-device (mixed-mode) tools coupled with MRED/Geant4 for automated simulations of nanoscale complex nuclear event effects from ion tracks in integrated circuits devices are presented. 3D CFDRC NanoTCAD simulator includes automatic building of 3D models from...
Robert Reed
(Vanderbilt ISDE), Prof.
Robert Weller
(Vanderbilt ISDE)
27/05/2014, 16:25
Makoto ASAI
28/05/2014, 09:00
Tatsumi Koi
28/05/2014, 09:25
Dennis Wright
28/05/2014, 09:50
Andrea Dotti
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
28/05/2014, 10:45
Tatsumi Koi
28/05/2014, 11:10
Ravishankar R. Vallabhajosyula
(CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC))
29/05/2014, 09:00
Exposure to space radiation and the associated health risks pose a major challenge to the growth of deep space exploration. The effects of such radiation on electronics and shielding have been studied in considerable detail and have led to novel methods and design strategies for minimizing equipment failure and developing hardening strategies. Similar efforts to better understand the effects...
Svetlana Shasharina
(Tech-X Corporation)
29/05/2014, 09:25
We will present our first simulation results for TIDs for the SUDA instrument (SUrface Dust Analyzer) considered by ICEE for the Clipper mission. We will describe our workflow, experience with SPENVIS and share our recommendations for the shield design.
Andrea Dotti
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
29/05/2014, 09:50
In this talk we will describe a joint project between Stanford University, SLAC, KEK and NVIDIA for the development of a radiation therapy simulation system based on Geant4 physics that runs on GPUs.
The system is capable of performing radiation simulation with electron and gamma primaries on voxelised geometries for the calculation of deposited dose in the voxels.
The methodology...
John Cary
(Tech-X Corporation)
29/05/2014, 11:25
This discusses and effort to develop a GUI to allow efficient use of CAD within Geant4, including the ability to import, combine materials, and do fast modeling based on DAGMC. A demo will be shown.
Mark Looper
(The Aerospace Corporation)
29/05/2014, 14:00
Geant4 is a vital tool for understanding and calibrating the response of space-borne radiation sensors at The Aerospace Corporation. In the year since the last Geant4 Space Users' Workshop, we have taken advantage of new physics lists that include nuclear interactions of heavy ion projectiles on heavy ion targets to improve our understanding of the response of the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the...
Patrick Dunn
(University of California, Berkeley)
29/05/2014, 14:25
The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission will orbit Mars to improve our understanding of how Mars lost most of its atmosphere. Launched in November 2013, MAVEN will go into orbit around Mars in September 2014. Its payload consists of several complementary instruments (in situ and remote sensing), including the two Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) detectors. Simulations in...
Andrea Dotti
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
29/05/2014, 14:50
Makoto ASAI
29/05/2014, 16:00