27–29 May 2014
Jackson Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA
US/Central timezone

Geant4 simulation of extensive air showers

27 May 2014, 14:25
Jackson Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Jackson Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA


Dr Mohammad Sabra (NASA/MSFC)


The Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) is a new type of observatory that uses Earth’s atmosphere to detect the Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECRs), those with energies in excess of 1018 eV. Studies of the nature of EECRs provide us with some information about the origin, acceleration and propagation of the primary cosmic rays. Such studies are based on the interpretation of the extensive air showers (EASs) measurements, which are cascade of particles generated in the atmosphere. A Geant4 application is under development to simulate EASs induced by primary cosmic ray particles. Calculations of EASs induced by protons and Iron beams above TeV will be presented and discussed.

Primary author

Dr Mohammad Sabra (NASA/MSFC)


Dr Mark Christl (NASA/MSFC)

Presentation materials