8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

ADEO – The Deployable Passive De-Orbit Sail Subsystem

9 Oct 2024, 14:00
Highbay (Erasmus)



De-orbit and Passivation Technologies Zero Debris


Frank Hoffmann (HPS GmbH) Liesbeth Arnouts (HPS GmbH)


Regulations for the deorbiting of satellites after their end-of-business are getting more stringent across all space fairing nations. In compliance with these new regulations, HPS offers a family of dragsail systems with the name ADEO that allow passive deorbiting of satellites by using the residual atmosphere in LEO. The current ADEO family consists of the ADEO-P (1.7 m²), ADEO-C (3.4 m²), ADEO-N (5 m²), ADEO-M (15 m²) and ADEO-L (25 m²). To achieve the best performance, the sail size is chosen depending on the satellite design and its specific mission.
During different governmental funded and commercial programs and missions, the ADEO dragsail achieved its full qualification and maturity and is therefore the most advanced solution on the market. The ADEO-N has flight heritage, e.g. its version ADEO-N2 is currently deorbiting a satellite. The ADEO-L finished its qualification campaign in December 2023 and will be integrated on the host satellite in 2024.
The ADEO-N2 mission, a 3.6 m² drag sail onboard of D-Orbit’s “Dauntless David” ION Satellite Carrier, deployed on the 15th of December 2022. The deployment could be recorded by the onboard camera system and the onboard telemetry data is continuously collected. The results give a lot of confidence in the ADEO subsystem and its possible contribution to the Zero Debris Policy and Requirements. An additional advantage of ADEO is that its application is not limited to deorbiting, as ADEO-L is also proposed to be used for detection of space debris.

Primary author


Ernst K. Pfeiffer (HPS GmbH) Frank Hoffmann (HPS GmbH) Germar Puttich (HPS GmbH) Jim Bingen (D-Orbit S.p.A.) Leonard Hofmann (HPS GmbH) Matthias Killian (HPS GmbH) Patric Seefeldt (DLR German Aerospace Center – Institute of Space Systems) Sun Young Joo (HPS GmbH) Tiziana Cardone (European Space Agency – ESTEC) Tom Spröwitz (DLR German Aerospace Center – Institute of Space Systems) Xenia Lopéz-Corrales (HPS GmbH)

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