8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Intelligent Perception & Robotics for Debris Removal

9 Oct 2024, 17:00
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Technologies for ADRIOS (Robotics#2) IOS


Mr Jan Dentler (Redwire Space Europe)


Redwire Space Europe (Luxembourg): Jan Dentler

Redwire Space Europe is at the forefront of developing advanced actuation and perception technologies tailored for the clean space industry. As a subsystem provider, we deliver critical solutions that empower mission integrators to execute debris removal, satellite servicing, in space manufacturing and assembly and space domain awareness operations with greater efficiency and reliability.

With the STAARK robotic arm product family, Redwire has introduced an affordable and robust actuation solution, enabling satellite servicing, capture and manipulation of space debris. The next evolution of STAARK integrates perception to increase system autonomy. This includes capabilities such as tracking fiducial markers and structural models.

To enable these perception capabilities, Redwire develops a stand-alone perception utility software library that consists of commonly used algorithms ruggedized for space.
This will help customers and reduce the burden/costs for developing respective perception flight software.

Given the challenges posed by the deformation and fragmentation of space debris, Redwire has also developed a generative solution to detect optimal grasping points on unknown objects with no need for prior object information.

The development of these new perception solutions for rendezvous and proximity operations are complemented by the "Black Hole" test facility, specifically designed for close-range RPO scenarios, dataset generation, and algorithm validation under realistic motion and illumination conditions.

Keywords: orbital debris removal, perception, space situational awareness, space rendezvous, spacecraft capture, in-orbit servicing, space domain awareness.

Primary author

Mr Jan Dentler (Redwire Space Europe)

Presentation materials