8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Navigation Markers Development

10 Oct 2024, 10:10
Highbay (Erasmus)



Design for Removal Zero Debris


Mr Laszlo Szegedi (Admatis)


The qualification of "2D" and "3D" navigation markers against HPCM environmental requirements was successfully completed by the end of 2023. Following this achievement, the industrialization phase has commenced, with ADM producing four sets of markers for the CRISTAL and LSTM HPCM missions. These markers, comprising one 3D marker and 20 2D markers per set, will be installed on the PFM and FM2 models of the respective satellites. This phase is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024, with additional production anticipated for the CO2M and CHIME missions. ADM has effectively addressed the challenges associated with serial production of these markers.
Further advancements are underway with the development of 2D markers featuring a "glow-in-the-dark" capability, as part of the Phosphorescent Markers to Support Navigation (PHM) project. These markers, utilizing phosphorescent paint, can emit visible light during the eclipse phase of a typical low Earth orbit after being charged by sunlight. This innovative solution has the potential to enhance navigation support during eclipse periods. Currently, no space-qualified phosphorescent paints are available on the market, but ADM's ongoing development shows promising results.
Additionally, the second generation of markers is foreseen to be developed. This would include eliminating the unwanted reflections of the “white” areas, application of inorganic coating on black areas for better durability on ground and in space environments and development of the corner cube retroreflector fixation and examination of COTS CCRs from different suppliers in terms of the optical properties.

Primary author

Mr Laszlo Szegedi (Admatis)

Presentation materials