8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Lessons learned from LCA applied to previous ESA missions

9 Oct 2024, 10:30
Auditorium (Erasmus)



LCA in Projects - Key Takeaways EcoDesign


Tommaso Turchetto (Politecnico di Torino)


The European Space Agency's (ESA) experience with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in ESA projects has revealed environmental hotspots of space missions by phases of the lifecycle and for specific engineering processes such as manufacturing, office work, system and equipment testing, etc.
As LCA becomes a standard requirement for ESA missions, the expertise and data acquired enable the elaboration of lessons based on recurrent practices from both industry and ESA, continuing to drive improvements within this sector.
This presentation introduces a summary of the lessons learned, both technical and methodological, that emerged during internal ESA reviews and outlines the next steps to address these findings.
Moreover, a comparative analysis of some previous ESA missions’ hotspots is presented, providing further insights and revealing trends and differences in environmental impacts across various space segments.

Primary author

Tommaso Turchetto (Politecnico di Torino)

Presentation materials