8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Robotic system and mechanical interface design for the Italian In-Orbiting servicing demo mission

9 Oct 2024, 15:00
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Technologies for ADRIOS (Robotics#1) IOS


Alberto Da Rold


As the number of satellites and the complexity of space missions increase, the need for standardized mechanical interfaces results as a crucial aspect for facilitate interoperability, reduce costs and enhance mission flexibility. This aspect is particular important for the In Orbit servicing missions were refurbishment or deorbiting of existing satellites are expected to help to improve the sustainability of space.

In this scenario, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) recently awarded a contract for In-Orbit Servicing demo mission to an Italian consortium led by Thales Alenia Space Italy, including Leonardo, Telespazio, Avio, D-Orbit, and other space companies.

The In-Orbit Servicing demo mission will be performed with two main space assets, the Servicer, which is the satellite capable of carrying the technologies to perform the IOS services, and the Target that is in charge to support the in-orbit validation of the technologies and functions enabling the following tasks:

  1. De-orbiting of a decommissioned satellite
  2. Re-orbiting/Relocation and take-over of an active satellite

In order to accomplish the aforementioned primary goals and duties, the robotic system includes different mechanisms such as a robotic arm equipped with a gripper and a berthing mechanism for the rigidization between the two satellites. The primary challenge has been to develop a mechanical design that enables the robotic subsystem to be adaptable to several satellites.

For this reason, the cost and scalability of such robotic systems might be reduced by standardizing interfaces, which could also eliminate issues resulting from incompatibility amongst satellites.

This work will present the essential elements of the architecture applicable to the in-orbit servicing activities with identified initial requirements, design choices and trade-off for the interfaces to use for the capture and rigidization of the two satellites.

Primary author


A Pilati (Thales Alenia Space – Italia) Andrea Rusconi (Leonardo) G Pilatoa (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana)

Presentation materials