25–27 Mar 2025
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Draft Agenda published

Common Framework for Hardware Root of Trust

27 Mar 2025, 14:30
Newton 1 and 2 (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

Newton 1 and 2

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
Oral presentation Industrial Experiences Industrial Experiences


Mr Petri Jehkonen (Xiphera)


Establising digital trust on a computing platform benefits from hardware root-of-trust (HW-RoT) situated on the computing platform itself. Examples of HW-RoT solutions include TPM, DICE, OpenTitan and Caliptra. These offer a wide range of security and cryptography services for a host system. However, the verification and validation of these solutions may prove challenging, especially when applied in high security assurance solutions. In this presentation we establish a base for the essential HW-RoT functions from the user perspective, and review established solutions against base requirements. We then suggest a foundation and architecture, which can be applied to FPGA and ASIC solutions, to build hardware root-of-trust for computing platforms.

Affiliation of author(s)


Track Industrial experience

Primary author

Mr Petri Jehkonen (Xiphera)

Presentation materials

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