2nd ESA BLAST Workshop

Einstein Conference Room (ESA-ESTEC)

Einstein Conference Room



We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd workshop on Building Launcher Autonomy and Safety through New Technologies (BLAST), to be held only in-person on:

Wednesday, 9th April 2025

at ESA-ESTEC (no video link available)


The objective of this 2nd edition is:

  • To provide a networking opportunity for the European launcher GNC community
  • To gather inputs that will be used in the preparation of an ESA activity on the topic of Verification & Validation (V&V) for launchers

The list of techniques and applications covered in the workshop can be found here.


Structure of the workshop

The BLAST workshop is structured in an interactive and dynamic fashion to foster discussion, featuring:

  • Formal presentations by invited speakers
  • Technical splinter workgroup discussions 
  • Mini-poster sessions: if you have a poster on your experience in the area of V&V, feel free to bring it and we will display it during the event!

For additional information, please see the agenda tab.


Conditions for participation

Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory and subject to the following conditions:

  • Access to the workshop is restricted to nationals of ESA Member States with permanent affiliation to organisations based in ESA Member States
  • Registration will be subject to approval: please wait for the approval confirmation before planning your trip!
  • Spaces are unfortunately limited, therefore:
    • Please register only if you are sure that you can make it to the workshop
    • Registrations will be processed on a first-come first-served basis, so do not delay in registering
    • Students are encouraged to participate; however, their registration is subject to seat availability, with priority given to industry and academia professionals

You may now apply for the workshop here.

2nd ESA BLAST Workshop
    • 09:00 09:30
      Welcome / Networking / Coffee Einstein


    • 09:30 10:00
      Opening session (ESA) Einstein


    • 10:00 10:45
      Invited presentations (UC3M, ONERA, TU Dresden, SENER) Einstein


      • 10:00
        V&V Experiences for Launch Vehicles within Robust Control Framework 10m Einstein


        Speaker: Andrés Marcos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
      • 10:10
        A Brief Introduction to Probabilistic mu Analysis with Illustrations using the STOWAT Toolbox 10m Einstein


        Speaker: Clément Roos (ONERA)
      • 10:20
        Robustness Analysis for Flight through Periods of Instability 10m Einstein


        Speaker: Harald Pfifer (TU Dresden)
      • 10:30
        IQClab: Sensitivity and Robustness Analysis Tools for Space Transportation Systems 10m Einstein


        Speaker: Joost Veenman (SENER)
      • 10:40
        Delay margin :) 5m
    • 10:45 11:45
      Splinter: Technique #1 Einstein


    • 10:45 11:45
      Splinter: Technique #2 Einstein


    • 10:45 11:45
      Splinter: Technique #3 Land 1

      Land 1

    • 10:45 11:45
      Splinter: Technique #4 Aj020 or Ocean 1 (TBC)

      Aj020 or Ocean 1 (TBC)

    • 11:45 12:45
      Splinter: Technique #5 Einstein


    • 11:45 12:45
      Splinter: Technique #6 Einstein


    • 11:45 12:45
      Splinter: Technique #7 Land 1

      Land 1

    • 11:45 12:45
      Splinter: Technique #8 Aj020 or Ocean 1 (TBC)

      Aj020 or Ocean 1 (TBC)

    • 12:45 13:30
      Lunch Main Restaurant

      Main Restaurant

    • 13:30 14:15
      Networking / Mini-poster session / Coffee Einstein


    • 14:15 15:00
      Invited presentations (DEIMOS, Aalborg U., GMV, ENAC) Einstein


      • 14:15
        The "Smart Launcher Enablers" Project: Results and Status 20m Einstein


        Speakers: João Pedro Belfo (DEIMOS Engenharia SA), Aitor Gomez (Aalborg University)
      • 14:35
        V&V of Launcher GNC at GMV 10m Einstein


        Speaker: Pedro Lourenço (GMV)
      • 14:45
        Formal Verification of Optimisation Algorithms: an Overview of Three Different Approaches 10m Einstein


        Speaker: Pierre-Loïc Garoche (ENAC)
      • 14:55
        Delay margin :) 5m
    • 15:00 16:00
      Splinter: Application #1 Einstein


    • 15:00 16:00
      Splinter: Application #2 Einstein


    • 15:00 16:00
      Splinter: Application #3 Land 1

      Land 1

    • 15:00 16:00
      Splinter: Application #4 Aj020 or Land 2 (TBC)

      Aj020 or Land 2 (TBC)

    • 16:00 16:20
      Closing session (ESA) Einstein


    • 16:20 17:00
      Networking / Mini-poster session / Farewell Einstein
