19 September 2014
CET timezone

HiP COTS based computer final presentation

19 Sept 2014, 14:00
Newton 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 2



Mr Fabrice Cros (Airbus D&S)Mr Mathieu Patte (Airbus D&S)Mr Raoul Grimoldi (CGS)


During this talk a comprehensive overview of the results achieved in the HiP CBC study will be presented. The main objective of the HiP CBC study was to demonstrate the feasibility of a COTS based computer system for payload data processing. The following topics will be addressed : · Fault mitigation architecture and error recovery strategies · Design of the demonstrator based on the SCOC3 and TI C6727 components · Results obtained with the demonstrator: processing performance on the NGDSP benchmarks, radiation tolerance, system availability. We will in particular illustrate the tradeoff between system availability and processing performance. · Way forward for future COTS based architecture

Presentation materials