3 June 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Why do we want to define a reference architecture for payloads?

Within SAVOIR, work is on-going since several years with the aim to define a reference architecture for space avionics, including the on-board software as well as hardware (see Figure 1). For the on-board software reference architecture (OSRA) the aim is to define common components/building-blocks for the platform software stack. This is meant to provide a common and coherent software basis upon which payload software can be developed.

Figure 1: SAVOIR Avionics Reference Architecture

Figure 1 - SAVOIR Avioncs Referenc Architecture

Building upon the results for the OSRA for spacecraft platform software, we are taking a step into the payload development domain. The overall objective is to define an on-board software reference architecture for payloads (OSRA-P), and take into account mission-specific challenges.

With a common and agreed approach for how to structure payload software, we expect to get more efficient development of payload software:

  • Faster and more efficient development and integration of payload systems
  • Re-use of payload software (partial or full reuse)
  • Alignment of processes and artefacts
  • Closer involvement of payload experts in payload software development
  • Shifting of resources towards mission specific issues rather than general software platform issues
  • Facilitating multi-team suppliers

The work in this activity adopted a three stage approach:

  1. review the payload development domain
  2. define the on-board software reference architecture for payloads (OSRA-P)
  3. demonstrate the viability of the defined architecture and blocks.

The results will be disseminated in a public workshop at ESTEC on the 3rd of June 2015.

Analyse payload domain

The first stage focused on:

  • Collecting, consolidating and analysing requirements from the payload development domain on the underlying software platform.
  • Compiling a catalogue of spacecraft and corresponding payloads recently completed or currently being developed for ESA Science and Earth Observation missions.
  • Collecting through interviews and documentation reviews details about the structure and development processes used for a number  of different payloads in the established catalogue, and documenting these details.

Define OSRA-P

The second stage focused on:

  • Analysing the documented payloads in order to find commonalities and patterns in structures, architectures, building blocks and technologies..
  • Defining a payload software reference architecture derived from OSRA and capturing overall payload structure,  design patterns, as well as common building blocks with suitable interfaces.
  • Defining a set of platform services and their interfaces covering the needs of the identified payloads.
  • Defining suitable processes and methods, with defined roles and corresponding responsibilities and information flow, as well as identified tool  support needs.

Demonstrate OSRA-P

The third stage is meant to demonstrate the viability of OSRA-P. The demonstration at this point does not include an implementation of a general on-board software reference architecture for payloads, but rather a study of how well existing payloads could be realised using the software reference architecture, design patterns, and building blocks. A future step would be to do an actual implementation of the OSRA-P.

Who is working on this?

The consortium for OSRA-P consists of SSF (Space Systems Finland, Finland, prime contractor) and ESC (Evolving System Consulting, Czech Republic, sub-supplier).