18–20 Oct 2016
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

From 1995(MINISAT) to 2016(EUCLID): Auto-coding evolution for different types of AOCS

20 Oct 2016, 14:55
Newton Conference Center (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

Newton Conference Center

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH - The Netherlands


Mr S. Llorente (SENER (Sp.))


Auto-coding tools emerged in the 90´s, as complement from several model-based design tools. SENER was one of the first companies to apply this type of tools for the implementation of auto-coded on-board SW for the MINISAT ACS. After that, the design and auto-coding tools have been continuously evolving, with tools enhancements allowing more controlled application of the auto-coding SW on AOCSs of different types, and this is becoming more widely used also for highly demanding missions. SENER will present some highlights of the auto-coding processes applied along the years and missions, with emphasis on the most relevant aspects for improvement and formalisation of the processes, and its application to EUCLID AOCS as one of the most recent target science missions from ESA, where SENER applies the technique. Also some expectations for the future will be mentioned. The review will touch relevant aspects like the share and organisation of the auto-coded SW in front of the manual SW and its integration, the overall SW specifications and SW testing particularities, etc. Also the options in the modelling and auto-coding, with specific constraints will be commented. In general the evolving nature of the auto-coding tools and accessories, is also determining an evolving auto-coding process, tools and rules, with a wide range of valid and selectable configurations. Such evolving process and particularities may deserve an evolution of the ECSS to a general framework focussed on guaranteeing the models characteristics and the properties of the associated auto-coded SW.

Presentation materials