4–6 Mar 2013
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Simulation of the GAMMA-400 instrument with Geant4

4 Mar 2013, 11:20


Barcelona Plaza Hotel Plaza de Espanya 6-8 08014 Barcelona SPAIN


Paolo Cumani (University of Trieste - INFN)


GAMMA-400 is a space mission which will be configured as a dual experiment, dedicated to the study of both CRs and gamma rays with a state-of-the-art imaging Silicon Tracker and a very deep Calorimeter. It will be able to study electrons, protons and nuclei with energy up to knee and gamma rays in the energy range 30 MeV - 1 TeV. The Montecarlo simulation, based on the Geant4 simulation toolkit, and the event reconstruction are handled by a modular, flexible, very little geometry dependent, easy to expand framework. The Geant4 General Particle Source module is used to simulate both the incoming radiation as well as the cosmic rays background along the foreseen satellite orbit. The simulated satellite geometry comprises a modular structure with the proper inclusion of support structures and dead areas between the detectors. Every part of the satellite is defined in a different and independent file making it easier to change each part of a detector without affecting the whole simulation. The most recent version of the framework includes out-of-tree geometries, a built-in acceptance check and other particle generators.

Primary author

Paolo Cumani (University of Trieste - INFN)


Emiliano Mocchiutti (INFN) Francesco Longo (University of Trieste - INFN) Mirko Boezio (INFN) Rita Carbone (INFN) Ritabrata Sarkar (INFN) Valter Bonvicini (INFN)

Presentation materials