By now, the importance of Geant4 models in the planning of space and planetary exploration missions is well established. Their applications range from instrument and detector response verification, space radiation shielding optimisation, component effects, support of scientific studies to the analysis of biological effects and astronaut radiation hazards.
For the last years, the web-based ESA Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS, has been providing an interface to various Geant4-based tools covering all the above applications. The Geant4 applications available in SPENVIS are GRAS (3D radiation analysis), MULASSIS (1D radiation analysis), GEMAT (microdosimetry), SSAT (shielding distribution), MAGNETOCOSMICS (cosmic ray rigidity), PLANETOCOSMICS (cosmic ray showers), MC-SCREAM (NIEL effects in solar cells), MEREM (Martian radiation environment) and JOREM (Jovian radiation environment). Some of the interfaces have been implemented by third parties.
As support to these interfaces, SPENVIS includes a GDML pre-processor, a material definition module and a geometry definition tool. The latter is a JAVA application that allows one to define complex geometry using spheres, cylinders, and boxes, and generating a GDML file. The GDML pre-processor is a PHP application extracting useful metadata that are used by the SPENVIS interface to GRAS.
We provide a general overview of the Geant4 model interface in SPENVIS and demonstrate its advantages for the user e.g. no prior knowledge of Geant4 macro syntax is required. Special attention is given to our interaction with the user community and the model developers. We show how user feedback can lead to some important model improvements. Finally, the latest progress is presented with a special attention to the Next Generation SPENVIS (SPENVIS-NG) that is currently under development.
This work is supported by ESTEC contracts No. 19786/05/NL/GLC/jk and 4000104812.