4–6 Mar 2013
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Radiation modeling of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) for the JUICE mission

4 Mar 2013, 11:40


Barcelona Plaza Hotel Plaza de Espanya 6-8 08014 Barcelona SPAIN


Mr Stefan Karlsson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)


Particle Environment Package (PEP) is a particle instrument being proposed for the ESA JUICE mission (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) aiming to conduct plasma and neutral gas measurements in the harsh radiation environment of Jupiter. In connection with the JUICE payload Announce of Opportunity extensive radiation analysis of the PEP sensors was performed using GRAS (Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space), SSAT (Sectoring Shielding Analysis Tool) and others tool available through the SPENVIS interface. Most of the simulation work was performed on small and large scale cluster computation facilities. This presentation describes the simulation infrastructure, methods and some of the result from this analysis work.

Primary author

Mr Stefan Karlsson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)


Mr Leif Kalla (Swedish Institute of Space Physics) Prof. Peter Wurz (University of Bern, Physikalisches Institute) Prof. Stas Barabash (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)

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