Neophytos Messios
05/03/2013, 09:00
By now, the importance of Geant4 models in the planning of space and planetary exploration missions is well established. Their applications range from instrument and detector response verification, space radiation shielding optimisation, component effects, support of scientific studies to the analysis of biological effects and astronaut radiation hazards.
For the last years, the web-based...
Chen Shen
(Ke Jing Da Electronics Ltd)
05/03/2013, 09:20
In this abstract, we report a three-dimensional simulator
for the internal charging effect. The simulator is developed
according to the requirements and technical specifications
designed by the CSSC. It uses Geant4 for electron transport
calculation, and a 3D PDE solver for charge transport and
electrical field calculation. Preliminary result from the solver
is presented, with current...
Fan Lei
(RadMod Research)
05/03/2013, 10:00
REST-SIM is a software simulation framework bringing together mission orbit and space environment specification, spacecraft and payload geometry definition, radiation transport simulation and radiation effects analysis. It has been developed to support the development and execution of ESA’s Cosmic Vision Missions. The framework can be used throughout a whole mission life cycle, starting from...
Laurent Desorgher Desorgher
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
05/03/2013, 10:20
Monte Carlo code as Geant4 in their forward unbiased simulation mode are the most precise for
computing the radiation effects in space components of payloads and spacecraft.
However it takes most of the time a huge amount of computing time
to achieve a good statistical precision of the simulation results,
as the components where the dose is computed are very small
compared to...