Chen Shen
(Cogenda Pte Ltd)
05/03/2013, 15:35
In this abstract, we report “RunSEU”, a fully-physical
simulation framework for evaluating the SEU cross-section of
CMOS circuits. Applications on the analysis of COTS chips
are presented. Its limitations in engineering applications such
as in-orbit SEU rate prediction or failure mode analysis, and
the extensions required in those cases are discussed.
Pete Truscott
(Kallisto Consultancy Ltd)
05/03/2013, 16:00
The trends in modern CMOS microelectronics technology towards ever smaller feature sizes and more complex geometries containing many different materials has made it increasingly difficult to define appropriate models to treat radiation effects phenomena, especially single event effects. The ESA-funded DESMICREX Project is aimed at developing a system of state-of-the-art simulation software...