Robert Weller
(ISDE/Vanderbilt University)
05/03/2013, 14:00
Microelectronic devices are sensitive to ionizing radiation, and with the scaling of devices to ever-smaller dimensions, they are increasingly vulnerable to single event effects. Single event effects are transient errors in active devices — usually although not exclusively in digital circuits — that are caused by the interaction of ionizing particles with the device materials. This...
Robert Reed
(ISDE/Vanderbilt University)
05/03/2013, 14:25
MRED (Monte Carlo Radiative Energy Deposition) is Vanderbilt University’s Geant4 application for simulating radiation events in semiconductors. Geant4 is comprised of the best available computational physics models for the transport of radiation through matter. Geant4 is a library of c++ routines for describing radiation interaction with matter assembled by a large and diverse international...
Alex Fedoseyev
(CFD Research Corporation)
05/03/2013, 14:50
We present an approach implemented within Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) and circuit-device (mixed-mode) tools for automated simulations of space radiation effects in integrated circuits using the Geant4 radiation event models coupled with the 3D NanoTCAD solver developed by CFDRC. The approach includes automatic building of 3D TCAD models from integrated circuit layouts (GDSII), and...