Dec 13 – 15, 2017
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SPACEMON: Space Environment Monitoring Workshop 2017

On-line registrations are closed but late registration is still possible by sending an email to, please as soon as possible to still register you in the ESTEC visitor system!

The ESA Space Environments and Effects section (TEC-EPS), the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme, CNES and OHB would like to invite you to the Space Environment Monitoring Workshop 2017 to be held on December 13, 14 and 15, 2017 at ESTEC, Noordwijk (NL). The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the current research and developments in the area of space radiation, plasma and micrometeorite and debris monitoring.

The number of flying or ready to fly European space environment instruments has increased significantly over the past years. Research programmes have also made good progress in investigating innovative technologies and new concepts designs which will allow a substantial reduction of mass, power and data rate budgets compared to traditional instrumentation, whilst providing equivalent or higher detection efficiency. With many future European missions in Navigation, Telecommunications, Exploration, Science, and Earth Observation domains flying in severe space environments and carrying highly sensitive components and systems, the need for such instrumentation is increasing. Accurate measurements of the radiation, plasma and micrometeorite and debris environments in space plays also a crucial role in improving the currently available environment models, and the development of the space weather services required by the Space Situational Awareness programme.

Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk