Rachel Soja
(Univ. Stuttgart)
The interplanetary dust complex is currently understood to be largely the result of dust production from Jupiter-family comets, with contributions also from longer period comets (Halley and Oort type) and collisionally-produced asteroidal dust. Here we develop a model of the interplanetary dust cloud from these source populations, in order to develop a risk hazard assessment tool for interplanetary meteoroids in the inner solar system. Long-duration integrations of dust grains from Jupiter family and Halley type comets, and main belt asteroids, are compared to COBE infrared data, meteor data and the diameter distribution of lunar microcraters. This allows the constraint of various model parameters. We present here the first attempt at generating a model that can simultaneously describe these sets of observations.
The new IMEM-2 model is a first step at building a comprehensive meteoroid engineering model from the ground up, utilising a number of different datasets to constrain parameters. First results are promising to describe the former observations. As a result, our model requires an approx. 20$\%$ main belt asteroid contribution. This is relevant especially for the near-Earth environment, since low-velocity particles are strongly focussed.
Further steps required in order to ensure that this model fully describes the interplanetary dust cloud are longer integration periods (5-10 million years), additional populations (Encke-type comets, NEAs, OCC,..) and additional datasets.
Ralf Srama
(University Stuttgart)
Eberhard Grün
(MPI Nuclear Physics)
Jacques Laskar
(IMCEE, France)
Rachel Soja
(Univ. Stuttgart)
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