Feb 14 – 15, 2018
UTC timezone
ESA and CNES Space Power and EMC Workshop

The purpose of the Space Power and EMC workshop, co-organised with CNES, is to present the results of recently completed ESA and CNES activities, and on-going activities that collected already significant results.

The workshop will be held on the 14th and 15th of February.

The topics of the presented activities will be:

  • Technology for Power Units 
  • Solar Cell and Solar Generator Technology developments
  • Next Generation Energy Storage Technology and system feasibility studies
  • Alternative EMC Measurement techniques and Harness modeling.

A Double Insulation Day will be held on the 13th of February, which consists of a roundtable on "Double Insulation Issues".

Please check the link on the left Menu for more information.

Erasmum Auditorium
Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk