indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 30th July. It may be unavailable all day.

14–15 Feb 2018
UTC timezone
ESA and CNES Space Power and EMC Workshop

Double Insulation Day

The Double Insulation Day will be held on the 13th February in the Erasmum Auditorium

The Double Insulation Day will consists in two sessions.

The morning session is dedicated to presentations from ESA, Airbus, Thales and OHB, which will cover double insulation issues in all domains: electronics, solar arrays and batteries. 

The afternoon session is dedicated to an open discussion.

The discussion will address the following point:

  1. Can conformal coating be considered a reliable insulation layer?
  2. How should we approach the presence of foreign particles inside units?
  3. How should we consider micrometeroids in the design process?
  4. Should we launch activities to improve DI of specific components (e.g. connectors)?
  5. Is an ECSS on DI welcome?
  6. How should this ECSS address the problem?
  • Going one by one through all possible technologies susceptible from being insulated
  • Giving high level concepts on what we want to achieve

In case you wish to contribute please check the presentation template available on the main page and contact us!


09:00 Welcome speech  
09:05 Introduction to Double Insulation ESA
10:00 Airbus approach to Double Insulation Airbus
10:50 Coffee break  
11:20 Thales approach to Double Insulation Thales
12:10 OHB approach to Double Insulation OHB
13:00 Lunch break  
14:15 Open discussion - Roundtable ALL