Nov 6 – 9, 2018
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

DESEO - Design Engineering Suite for Earth Observation

Not scheduled
Building 135

Building 135

Oral presentation at the conference 02: Loitering, and Orbiting Loitering, Orbiting #1


Federico Letterio (Deimos Space S.L.U.)


The Design Engineering Suite for Earth Observation (DESEO) is a software toolkit to support mission analysis and preliminary system/subsystem design activities for all phases of Earth observation missions.
DESEO has been designed to be used by mission and system engineers throughout all phases of an Earth Observation mission (from Phase 0 to Phase E), whenever they need accurate and fast quantitative results to support design trade-offs and assessment analyses.
DESEO is a modular, flexible and self-standing application, designed so as to provide the user with a comprehensive set of mission-related and system-related computation modules and with post-processing utilities to yield meaningful numerical and graphical results.

DESEO has been designed in order to support system studies based on first-order estimation of spacecraft system/subsystems performance and mission analysis assessments, with powerful visualisation capabilities.
The tool is able to generate outputs for a specific set of inputs, and in certain cases it can also provide parametric results as a function of given variables (e.g. orbit altitude). The tool main objective is firstly to be an analysis tool (i.e. used to evaluate a given design). Nevertheless, some of its components have been developed for identifying an optimal design.

DESEO is provides the capability to perform more than forty different analyses with the capability of simulating multi-spacecraft scenarios. It can be run as stand-alone tools (command line) or operated via a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The provided analyses encompass orbit selection, orbit propagation, attitude computation, coverage analyses, timeliness analysis, ground station contact analyses, orbit maintenance, EOL analysis, OBDH analysis, delta-V budget assessment, power budget analysis and basic astrodynamics computations (geometric calculations, transformations, analytical formulas). Upgrades are currently on-going, with the objective to extend the mission design to constellations and to improve the coverage analyses with the inclusion of clouds statistics.

DESEO has been proven to be able to fully cover mission analyses tasks for EO Phase A mission studies and its components have been used as building blocks for complex simulators in a wider scope of the EO missions.

The GUI provides functionalities to manage the input insertion process (e.g. importing data from a database or from other input files), to check input boundary and consistency, to execute and monitor the analysis process (by means of log messages and progress bars) and to visualise outputs (3D interactive visualisations, Gantt charts, Cartesian plots, cartographic map representations and tables).

The Analysis Processes are the core of DESEO, in charge of performing the Mission and System Analyses. The DESEO Analysis Processes have been developed in C++, while the GUI is implemented in Java based on the Eclipse RCP.

DESEO has been developed to run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux Operating Systems.

Primary authors

Gonzalo Vicario de Miguel (DEIMOS SPACE) Stefania Tonetti (Deimos Space) Ms Stefania Cornara (DEIMOS Space S.L.U.) Federico Letterio (Deimos Space S.L.U.)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
