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6–9 Nov 2018
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

PTScientists: Mission to the Moon and the return to Apollo 17

6 Nov 2018, 12:00
103 and 105 combined

103 and 105 combined

Building 135
Oral presentation at the conference Tutorial #2


Helge Eichhorn (PTScientists GmbH)


PTScientists is bringing down the cost of exploration and building reusable space infrastructures so more people benefit from access to space - because space belongs to everyone.

ALINA is designed to be compatible with all major commercial launch vehicles (including SpaceX’s Falcon 9, and ISRO’s PSLV), allowing invaluable flexibility when contracting a launch. This means that customers can choose their launch vehicle based on price and availability, rather than being restricted by type.

Once inserted into an Earth-orbit, ALINA will use its own propulsion to transport the craft 380,000 km to the Moon, and into lunar orbit. Payload racks on either side of the ALINA vehicle can be used to house orbital payload (if a lunar landing is not required), and ALINA can also dispatch CubeSats into lunar orbit.
From lunar orbit, ALINA will perform an accurate soft-landing on the Moon at a designated landing site. With each flight, ALINA can deliver up to 100 kg to the surface of the Moon. For Mission to the Moon this includes carrying two Audi lunar quattro rovers.

Presentation materials