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25–27 Feb 2019
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

CloudScout: In Orbit Demonstration of Machine Learning applied on hyperspectral and multispectral thermal imaging

26 Feb 2019, 12:10
Erasmus (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

ESTEC (European Space Research & Technology Centre) Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)71 565 6565


Marco Esposito (cosine Research BV)


We report on the ongoing hardware and software developments to implement cloud screening in-orbit and in real-time. We leverage a Vision Processing Unit to accelerate state-of-art artificial Intelligence algorithms applied on hyperspectral and thermal imaging data. The instrument on which the developments are implemented is HyperScout-2, second generation of a very compact hyperspectral system already in space since Feb 2018. The experiments are expected to be carried out in orbit in third quarter 2019.

Primary author

Marco Esposito (cosine Research BV)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.