23–25 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

I3DS: Integrated 3D Sensor Suit for On-Orbit Servicing

24 Oct 2018, 16:40
Erasmus building (ESTEC)

Erasmus building


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Active Debris Removal & Space Servicing Vehicles Active Debris removal and Space Servicing Vehicle


Mr Jaroslaw Jaworski (PIAP)


Nowadays, robotic spacecraft on orbit servicing or so called “Space Tug” capabilities are limited. This is mainly due to the relative poor availability of exteroceptive sensors for space navigation and the poor on-board processing resources preventing the design of ambitious autonomous systems.

Goal of the I3DS project is to fulfil this technology gap and realise a suite of perception sensors that will allow localisation and map-making for robotic inspection of orbital assets.

I3DS is a generic and modular system answering the needs of near-future space exploration missions in terms of remote and contact sensors with integrated pre-processing and data concentration functions. It consists in state-of-the art sensors and illumination devices integrated in a coherent architecture as inter-changeable building blocks and targeting an on-orbit missions such as non-cooperative target capture such as debris removal missions and cooperative rendezvous: servicing & Space Tugs.

I3DS Integrated 3D Sensors is a project co-funded under Horizon 2020 EU research and development program and part of the Strategic Research Cluster on Space Robotics Technologies as the Operational Grant n°4 among 6.

Primary authors

Mr Brice Dellandrea (Thales Alenia Space) Ms Sabrina Andiappane (Thales Alenia Space) Mr Vincent Dubanchet (Thales Alenia Space) Mr Walshe Michael (Thales Alenia Space) Ms Potti Irene (Thales Alenia Space) Ms Genny Scalise (Thales Alenia Space) Mr Kristoffer Gregertsen (SINTEF) Mr Trine Kirkhus (SINTEF) Mr Jaroslaw Jaworski (PIAP) Mr Artur Mateja (PIAP) Mr Jakub Krasniewski (PIAP) Mr Peter Hoffmeyer (Terma A/S) Mr Chris van Dijk (Cosine Research BV) Mr Antonio Scannapieco (University of Cranfield) Ms Paulina Debkowska (Hertz System)

Presentation materials