indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 10th Decmeber. It may be unavailable all day.

28–30 Nov 2018
US/Central timezone

General Information

Geant4 Space Users' Workshop –G4SUW– is focused on new results on space radiation interaction with components, sensors and shielding analysis, as well as on Geant4-based tools and developments applicable to space missions.  The particular topics of interest for this workshop include:

  • Effects on space electronics and science instruments
  • Shielding simulations and optimisation
  • Software interfacing Geant4 with space environment and/or effects tools (e.g. SPENVIS, FASTRAD)
  • Microelectronics micro- & nanodosimetry:
    • Single Event Effects (SEE) simulation.
    • Geant4-TCAD coupling
  • Simulation of astronaut radiation hazards, including biological micro- & nanodosimetry
  • Planetary exploration applications
  • Magnetospheric and atmospheric propagation of galactic cosmic radiation and solar energetic particles
  • Geant4 toolkit improvements of significant benefit to space applications (e.g. in physics models, simulation speed, geometry treatment)


Silverroom, Space Center Houston
1601 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TX 77058

Registration and Attendance Fee

The registration website is here.

Registration will start in September 2018.

Abstract Submission

The Indico website for abstract submission will open when registration starts.
