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28–30 Nov 2018
US/Central timezone

Using GEANT4-dna-chemistry to Estimate DNA Damage from Radiation: Summary and Challenges

29 Nov 2018, 15:45


Dr Alexander Henderson (University of Southern Mississippi)


GEANT4-dna-chemistry is a relatively new part of GEANT4 which allows a particle-in-cell (PIC) like simulation of water electrolysis products in liquid. By applying this to a microscopic geometric model of nuclear DNA we can estimate genetic damage caused by particle radiation. To apply this to macroscopic bodies we have furthered the PIC-like methodology by implementing repeated geometry. With certain limiting assumptions, this can be a resource-friendly alternative to pure PIC methods of simulation. However, in the process we have run across certain difficulties in the current state of GEANT4-dna-chemistry. We will summarize our models, the difficulties encountered, and our work-arounds.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Henderson (University of Southern Mississippi)


Prof. Chris Winstead (University of Southern Mississippi) Prof. Khin Maung Maung (University of Southern Mississippi) Mr William Rogers (University of Southern Mississippi)

Presentation materials