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28–30 Nov 2018
US/Central timezone

NASA Shields-1: A Radiation Shielding Experiment developed with Radiation Modeling

Not scheduled


Dr Laurence Thomsen (NASA LaRC)


Dr. D. Laurence Thomsen III
NASA Langley Research Center, Advanced Materials and Processing Branch, 6A West Taylor Street, Hampton, VA 23681. Ph: 757-864-4211, Fax: 757-864-8312, Email:

NASA Shields-1 will be launched in the upcoming NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) ELaNaXIX Mission in December 2018. Shields-1 hosts a research payload experiment with 8 μdosimeters behind radiation shielding in slab geometries to make dose-depth curves. Shields-1 hosts atomic number (Z)-graded radiation shielding materials as part of the research payload with baseline aluminum materials for the comparison of dose-depth curves. This radiation shielding experiment has been prepared from radiation shielding computational modeling of a geotransfer orbit (GTO) with slab geometries using GEANT4 MUlti-LAyered Shielding SImulation Software (MULASSIS) from The Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS). Z-graded radiation shielding materials show a ~30% increased shielding effectiveness for electrons at half the thickness in comparison to aluminum of the same areal density The Shields-1 electronics enclosure (vault) has been developed using the LaRC Z-Shielding materials for reducing total ionizing dose on the electronic cards in order to increase the mission lifetime of the commercial parts.

Primary author

Dr Laurence Thomsen (NASA LaRC)

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