29–31 May 2019
Sykia, Peloponnese, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

Time-series SEP simulations and complications

30 May 2019, 10:00
Sykia, Peloponnese, Greece

Sykia, Peloponnese, Greece

Χylokastro, Corinthia, Greece 20400


Dr Angels Aran (Dep. Quantum Physics and Astrophysics. University of Barcelona)


Recently a new SEP probabilistic model, VESPER, was introduced. It makes use of virtual time-series of proton differential intensities of particle events. This is in contrast to previous models like ESP, JPL, the SEPEM/VTM and SAPPHIRE that use peak flux and fluence distributions. Besides, the SEPEM statistical model for interplanetary missions uses the SEPEM helio-radial reference event list for which compound event episodes where splitted into individual SEP enhancements in order to determine the different parent solar activities and to assign a radial dependence of the peak intensity and event fluence based on a set of reference events modelled with the SEPEM/SOLPENCO2 tool. We will discuss here some of the difficulties in deriving either virtual events following the virtual time-series approach, and the assumptions made and complications arising from the splitting of compound-event episodes in the SEPEM/SOLPENCO2 method.

Primary author

Dr Angels Aran (Dep. Quantum Physics and Astrophysics. University of Barcelona)

Presentation materials