We present the electrical and radiation results (Total Ionizing Dose) of a Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) for space applications implemented in Microchip’s rad-hard 150nm CMOS-SOI process (ATMX150RHA). This PWM is operating with clock signal (externally or internally generated) ranging from 100kHz to 1MHz and its output stage can source and sink high peak currents (up to 2.5A) with capacitive loads up to 10nF, such as the gate of a power MOSFET. Its input voltage range lies within 10V and 14V. This PWM can be used in various DC-DC converter topologies and it has validated in a Buck, in a Boost and in a Push-pull converter. The PWM can be externally adjusted by passive components and most specifically can be altered the overvoltage threshold, the overcurrent threshold, the clocking frequency, the start-up time and the maximum and minimum duty cycle.
The electrical characterization and radiation campaign have been performed from -40°C to 125°C junction temperature, over its input voltage range and for clocking frequencies within 100kHz and 1MHz. The dose rate was 4.35krad/h and the total accumulated dose exceed 300krad. No functional degradation was observed throughout the campaign. The electrical characteristics remained within specifications apart from the leakage current and the output static impedance.