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12–14 Nov 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Capella and Arcadia - Ariane 6 experiences

14 Nov 2019, 10:45
Tennis Hall (Escape Building) (ESA/ESTEC)

Tennis Hall (Escape Building)


Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mr Clement Grise (Arianegroup)


In this presentation, you will get feedback on ArianeGroup Capella tool deployment on Ariane 6 Program and will learn how ArianeGroup is meeting the challenges of multi-disciplinary system engineering. You will also discover the ArianeGroup next steps for MBSE and how the implementation of this process based on Capella is reinforced.

Clément Grise is a MBSE Project Leader at ArianeGroup. After graduation from the ESTACA Engineering School in 2006, he joined PSA Peugeot Citroën, the French automotive car manufacturer, in powertrain after-treatment Innovation department to develop the SCR (Diesel DeNOx system) algorithms. In 2012, he took the lead of the powertrain control innovation team and became leader of the Powertrain After-treatment Control development team in 2016. He joined ArianeGroup in 2017 to develop and deploy MBSE in the company.

Presentation materials