The first part of the talk will cover the principles of equation-based object-oriented modelling and simulation, the Modelica Language, and the generation of executable simulation code out of Modelica code (and other uses thereof). It will also address standards related to Modelica: FMI, SSP, DCP and show its application on the Modelling and Control of Satellite Attitude Control Systems. The second part of the talk will address the community and governance aspects, including the Modelica Association, its projects, in particular OpenModelica and the Open Source Modelica Consortium.
Francesco Casella got his master's and PhD degrees from Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently senior assistant professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering. He teaches graduate-level courses in Control Systems, Advanced Process Control, and Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation at Politecnico di Milano; he is also guest co-teacher of a graduate course on Modelling, Simulation and Application of Propulsion and Power Systems at TU Delft. His main research interests are modelling and control of power generation systems, and equation-based, object-oriented modelling of engineering systems in general; he has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals on this topic. He is member of the board of the Modelica Association and vice-director of the Open Source Modelica Consortium and has been General Chair and Program Chair of the International Modelica Conference in 2009 and 2017.