"After OMG issued the Request for Proposal (RFP) for SysML v2 on 24 Jan 2018 (https://www.omg.org/news/releases/pr2018/01-24-18.htm) a team of more than 100 experts from around 55 organisations -- the so-called SysML v2 Submission Team (SST) -- has started to develop the second version of the Systems Modeling Language standard (SysML).
In order to develop the RFP itself a working group analysed the strenghts and weaknesses of SysML v1 after use in industry for aproximately 10 years since its initial release in 2006. There are actually two RFPs and two specifications under development: (1) The SysML v2 language specification, (2) The SysML v2 Application Programming Interface (API). Version 2 is a complete redesign with the following aims:
1. Clean up the SysML meta-model and founding on a solid semantic basis;
2. Reduce the learning curve for systems engineers (who in general do not have a software background);
3. Fully harmonise the way decomposition of structure and behaviour is done;
4. In addition to XMI file based exchange, create a robust open standardised application programming interface, allowing for dynamic fine grained access to SysML model repositories;
5. Ensure a smooth migration from SysML v1.x, include an additional SysML v2 profile on top of the existing UML v2.5 standard.
6. Continuously validate the new specifications with a full implementation prototype.
In this presentation progress to date will be reported and explained, on the basis of the first intermediate public release that was made in October 2019. The currently scheduled release date of SysML v2 is June 2020. The author was a member of the RFP working group and is an active member of the SST.