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12–14 Nov 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Autonomous on-orbit assembly

14 Nov 2019, 15:40
Tennis Hall (Escape Building) (ESA/ESTEC)

Tennis Hall (Escape Building)


Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mr José Briz Valero (GMV)


GNC for In Orbit Assembly” (IOA-GNC) is an ESA TRP project by a consortium led by GMV and targeting the study of autonomous assembly of large structures in space, using a modular design approach, to obtain a final structure that could not be achieved by means of a single element. The main applied principles are: use of advanced control techniques to perform rendezvous/mating operations in systems growing in complexity and changing their physical properties throughout the assembly process; and the increase of mission safety in case of contingencies, and the use of autonomous planning techniques to correct mission level failures by making on-board decisions and generating new mission plans.
The presentation will focus on autonomy aspects, internally within the GNC system and externally through on-board replanning system/capabilities.

Presentation materials