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6–8 Oct 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Systema-Thermica – User new possibilities

7 Oct 2020, 15:15


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Lilian Govone (ADS Toulouse)


The Long-Term Support version of Systema-Thermica V4.8.3 was released last year. As day-to-day users, we conducted an extensive validation campaign based on various realistic use cases including both Telecom and Observation satellites/instruments.
First, the presentation will focus on this validation campaign implementation including the definition of the use cases, the validation criterion and the results obtained.
This new version offers a various new range of possibilities. These new possibilities make thermal modelling easier for numerous applications including projects such as MSR-ERO. The presentation will feature a part of these improvements and how they can help the user in his task.

Primary author

Lilian Govone (ADS Toulouse)


Presentation materials