6–8 Oct 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Thermal modelling of an in-orbit refuelling process of a xenon tank with ESATAN-TMS Fluid

7 Oct 2020, 09:30


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Dr Frank Bodendieck (OHB System AG)


The Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway (LOP-G) space station is one key element of the NASA Artemis Program, which has the goal to bring humans back to the moon by 2024 and to provide a sustainable infrastructure for future missions. One of the LOP-G modules is the European System Providing Refuelling, Infrastructure and Telecommunications (ESPRIT) module, which contains, among others, the xenon refuelling supplies for the LOP-G Power and Propulsion Element (PPE). While electric propulsion and the associated on-board xenon storage is already commonly used on today’s space crafts, a relatively new field of studies is the in-orbit refuelling.
This presentation investigates the thermal behaviour of a xenon tank during a refuelling process in microgravity and its numerical representation. Furthermore, the physical assumptions and discretisations, which were carried out to obtain the final thermal model, are presented. For a flexible use of the refuelling model and an easy integration into already established thermal models on system level, ESATAN-TMS Fluid was used. Therefore the construction of the thermal model in ESATAN-TMS, the choice of a specialised fluid solution routine and the implementation of a Xenon fluid library including a supercritical phase are part of the presentation. Additionally, also the problems faced during the simulation runs with ESATAN-TMS Fluid and closer information about the attempts to fix those problems are presented, which was successful at the end.

Primary author

Mr Lukas Mattenklodt (Technical University Dresden)


Mr Henri Brouquet (ITP Aero) Dr Frank Bodendieck (OHB System AG) Mr Vincent Joel Ramin (FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences)

Presentation materials