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6–8 Oct 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Mini Mechanically Pumped Loop Modelling and Design for standardized cubesat thermal control

6 Oct 2020, 12:00


thermal technologies and methodologies related to small satellites and CubeSats Cube Sats


Dr Ramon van den Berg (Senior Engineer)


With the miniaturization of space-borne sensors, more powerful payloads are anticipated to be used in small satellites. Therefore, new thermal concepts are required to cope with the increasing thermal dissipation and the negative effects. This paper presents a new thermal control concept to thermally standardize small satellites with power dissipation problems and making them thermally independent of their orbits.
This new thermal design concept is a small Mechanically Pumped Loop (MPL). The heart of the system is the multi-parallel micro-pump (MPMP) as developed by the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR). This pump concept provides a low mass MPL solution with high reliability.
Subsequently, the article describes the concept of the loop and the pump in detail. The Mini-MPL is modelled in Matlab with the objective to support MPL system design trade-offs. The model is described and modelling results are presented. Further micro-pump test results are presented and the first results of the mini-pumped loop test results.
The design of the MPL takes into account the requirements imposed by CubeSats and their subsystems, thereby ensuring its compatibility with small satellites and a variety of missions.
Finally, the advantages and drawbacks of the system are elucidated by comparison with conventional thermal design options. The paper concludes with an outlook on further development and mini-MPL applications.

Primary author

Dr Ramon van den Berg (Senior Engineer)


Mr Johannes van Es (Principal Scientist) Mr Thomas Ganzeboom (Master Student)

Presentation materials