TARANIS Micro Satellite with 8 Scientific Instruments: Thermal Control System Design and Verification
Christophe Daniel, Maxime Andre
CNES (French Space Agency), Toulouse, 31400, France
TARANIS (Tools for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIngs and Sprites) is a microsatellite of the CNES Myriade family (≈200 kg and ≈180 W). TARANIS is on a quasi-polar sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 670 km. The launch is planned in November 2020 on a VEGA launcher.
The aim of the TARANIS mission is the study of the phenomena associated with atmospheric storms and the coupling between magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere. In particular, the scientific observations concern the transient optical phenomena called Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) occurring above storm systems at an altitude of between 20 and 100 km, the gamma-ray and X-ray flashes probably associated to the TLEs called Terrestrial Gamma Flashes (TGFs) and the transient precipitations and accelerations of energy electrons. TARANIS is the first space mission with the capability to identify simultaneously the optical, X-Gamma, electron-beam, and electromagnetic signatures associated to TLEs and TGFs.
To meet these objectives, the TARANIS payload includes 8 scientific instruments with a total of 13 sensors managed by 2 electronic boxes. Each scientific sensor type has various particular needs that induce strong constraints on the accommodation of the payload and require so many local and separate Thermal Control System (TCS).
This paper gives an overview of the TARANIS TCS design with a focus on the mechanical and thermal interfaces, internal to the payload, that are necessary to meet the needs and constraints of each scientific instrument. Then, it presents the TCS verification logic. A specific focus emphasizes the early validation of the design of the payload Multi Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets. Finally, it discusses the specificities and results of the thermal balance/thermal vacuum (TB/TV) tests performed early 2019 and the TCS performances expected in flight.